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About us... by Cllr. Terry Gill

Coleen and I have lived in Elloughton for 41 years. We have two grown-up children who attended local schools and two grandchildren.

After having worked in Commercial radio for 13 years, I was made redundant 26 years ago following a company buy-out.
This led me to starting up my own business from scratch. We continue to run this successful family business, employing 12 staff and supporting over 200 clients. However, with the business in safe hands, I am free these days to concentrate on my Council work.


I stood for the first time as an Independent in 2019 to offer an alternative to the political party candidates and to give local residents a more informal route for their queries and concerns. I also wanted to highlight issues that often get side-lined in favour of more predominant ones.  


I have held the Council to account on a variety of local concerns, from potholes to planning issues. I currently sit on East Riding's Environment & Regeneration and Children and Young People Scrutiny Committees, where I have the opportunity to question Departmental Officers and Outside Bodies. 


I have met with many residents and helped with a variety of their concerns.

I have enjoyed this work and want to learn more so that I can help to show whether our taxes are being used fairly and effectively. 


However, I have found that being the only Independent Councillor in the fourth largest Ward in the East Riding has its frustrations.  Covering all the issues and areas in the Ward has been a challenge.


Coleen is enthusiastic to stand alongside me at this election so that we can work together to provide a better service for residents.


Coleen has a proven track record of community achievements. She is and has been Chair and Organiser of “Elloughton-cum-Brough in Bloom” for 18 years. 


She has built up a team of 17 volunteers who work tirelessly all year round, making sure our street planters, verges and focal points look their best. Last year they won a Yorkshire in Bloom Gold Award. And the have been nominated for the National Britain in Bloom competition. 


Coleen has previous experience as an East Riding Councillor and has stood as an Independent twice, narrowly missing out by just a few hundred votes.


So, this time, please could you vote for both of us? 

Thank You

You will be able to Vote for both of us on Thurs 4th May 2023

This is how we will appear on the Ballot Paper when you come to vote.

There are 9 candidates standing we are No's: 2 & 3:

GILL on Ballot.jpg

If you are coming to a Polling Station to Vote then please do

remember to bring some photo ID:



Driving Licence

Bus Pass 

Full list of acceptable IDs are on the reverse of your Polling Card.

If you have No Photo ID you can apply for a

Voter Authority Certificate but you must do this

Before Tues 25th April 2023

Please can contact us for assistance:

Tel: 01482 666924

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